Despite not having read all the books on my autumn TBR, I thought I would make another list because I do quite like having one at hand. Hopefully I can get to most of these, because I really am dying to read some of them!
1. A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin
I love this series, and I really want to get caught up by the time the show starts again. I’ve been in the middle of the series for about two years now, and I am so ready to finish it. I’ve put AFFC on my list instead of ADWD, though, because I still have to read the former.
2. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
Tatum bought it for me for my birthday, and I can’t wait to see what everyone is raving about.
3. Cress by Marissa Meyer
4. Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness
The Ask and the Answer broke me, so I am obviously dying to read this to see the epic conclusion.
5. Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan
This will be a reread, but I recently re-bought the first four books and I am excited to get sucked into this world again.
6. Unsouled by Neal Shusterman
I love this series and the world is so bloody creepy. Neal Shusterman has talent!
7. Locke & Key series by Joe Hill
This is an amazing graphic novel horror series. I love all of the characters – especially Dodge – and I really want to get caught up by the time the final bind-up is released next year.
8. Timeriders by Alex Scarrow
I borrowed this from Tatum’s brother because I mentioned how much I love time travel books and he was like YES GOOD TAKE ALL THE BOOKS. So, yes, time travel and awesome things like that.
9. Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
I mostly want to read this for Roar, who is totally dating Aria in my head.
10. Feed by Mira Grant
I have heard so many great things about this series, and it’s been sitting on my shelf for a while. I must hurry up and get to it!
“I mostly want to read this for Roar, who is totally dating Aria in my head.” LOL! This made me giggle. I thought this too until I read INTO THE STILL BLUE, and now I’m firmly Team Perry (though I still love me some Roar). It’s a great book!
I just bought the George R. R. Martin books when they were on sale on Amazon, so I’m looking forward to starting that series soon. But I need to catch up on my Goodreads challenge before I try to tackle a 800+ page book. ๐
I still need to read Cinder! It’s on the top (ish) of my reading pile.
I LOVE TimeRiders! I’ve read the first and the second is awaiting my attention.
Yay for Code Name Verity! It’s a stunning book. Monsters of Men is also fantastic.
I really, really need to read Cinder, don’t I?
Finally bought Unsouled a few weeks back, now I just need to read it before the year is up. 5 more books are on top of it on my desk and I can’t read fast enough! Great list!
I used to read the cirque du freak books all the time and have been wanting to re-read those too!
Good luck with Code Name Verity! I want to read that too, but I’m holding off. Maybe because I’m scared it’ll be scary. Blah.
Ooh you’ll LOVE Into The Still Blue! It’s SOSOSOSOSO awesome!!!! ๐ I LOVED IT! Like, REALLY REALLY! It’s one of the best conclusions to a series EVER! *FANGIRLING*
And lol, it’s funny, right, how sometimes it seems like Roar and Aria are just perfect for each other ? But I’m glad she didn’t turn it into a love triangle. Go Rossi! ๐
Great list! I just added Timeriders to my tbr, it sounds quite intriguing. I only read the first Game of Thrones book but I’m getting the entire set for Christmas, so I’m looking forward to getting back into that world. And I’m going crazy waiting for Into the Still Blue!!! I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting your list accomplished!
You’re so brave to tackle Feast of Crows! I’m terrified of reading those books. I meant to include Code Name Verity and forgot! Thanks for the reminder. I’ve heard such great things about it!
M from Backlist Books
I will just say that Into the Still Blue was AMAZINGGGGG! I LOVED IT SO MUCH <3 aaaah Roar and Liv and Perry <3 <3
– Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf
I definitely understand how you feel about Cress! I need it now too!!! Great list!
Here’s My TTT
I’m also busy with Game of thrones. So excited for the new season! Cress is soooo good and I’ve put Feed on hold. Didn’t work for me at that moment, but I hope to pick it up again soon! ๐
Yes- I need to get on with Game of Thrones too! I started the series but then left it for awhile. I listened to Code Name Verity on audio and it was amazing. I cannot wait for Cress either!