This… could have been better. I’ve read a few books by Rae Carson before and while they haven’t been my favourites, I’ve still enjoyed them. She has managed to create really fun fantasy plots previously, so I was looking forward to reading Any Sign of Life.
This one, however, ended up meandering a little and I wasn’t the biggest fan of it. I loved the premise of a teenage girl waking up to find everyone dead and being devoured by crows. That’s some horror movie stuff right there. The beginning of the book started off really well with Paige trying to figure out how she could survive. By the end, though, I was more than a little bored and I had started skim reading. I think the introduction of the new characters came a little too late, and I couldn’t bring myself to care for them. I did really like the two who showed up earlier though, and of course I loved the dog companion.
I wish the ending had been stronger because I was really enjoying this one up until the last third of the book.
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